Professor. Hamid Moradkhani
Alton N. Scott Endowed Chair of Engineering
Director, Center for Complex Hydrosystems Research
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**** Postdoctoral Research Position ****
Supported DoD (@DeptofDefense), @EOI_lab and @HIRSlab of @VT_Science are establishing the #AlaskaObservatory, to research #permafrost dynamics in face of #climatechange, #flooding hazards and #infrastructure vulnerabilities in #Alaska. we…

Job Alert! Please help spread the word! I’m looking to recruit one or two Ph.D. students to join my Hydrological Extremes Lab @okstate in Spring 2024 or Fall 2025. See more information below:


🚨Our new article in @CommsEarth: Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea are 50% more likely to rapidly intensify during marine heatwaves. Our 73-year analysis reveals increased risks as oceans warm.

w/ @HamedMoftakhari & @HamidMoradkhani

🔗 https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01578-2

Proud to share my first research article of my PhD on Probabilistic Flood Inundation Mapping!. Grateful to @Kjafarza, @HamedMoftakhari and @HamidMoradkhani for their contributions and guidance.
#FloodInundation #Hydrodynamics

Consider submitting your #AGU24 abstracts to our #Ocean #Science session on #Flood prediction and #risk assessment.
Invited speakers: Dr. @HamidMoradkhani and Dr. Katherine Brown.
Submission link in the comments.
@NOAA @theAGU @Hydrology_AGU @AlipourAtieh @argonne @NotreDame

Let's not take drought impact lightly! Over the past two decades droughts amounted to approximately $28 billion loss in hydropower generation across the United States, let alone its adverse environmental impact often compensated by reliance on natural gas. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad6200

‼️Interested in the sources of uncertainty of #compound_flooding? 🤔Check out our publication in @EGU_HESS with @HamedMoftakhari @HamidMoradkhani We tracked the evolution of uncertainty in #extreme water level dynamics🌊linking #hydrodynamic_models and #ML

🚨 @Sadaf_Mahmoudi's first #PhD paper published in @NatureComms to present #SeaLevelRise rates and high-tide #Flooding thresholds every 10KM along the (ungauged stretches of) U.S. coastlines w/ @davidmunozpauta @HamidMoradkhani and Billy Sweet (@NOAA) https://rdcu.be/dIj7z

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