**** Postdoctoral Research Position ****
Supported DoD (@DeptofDefense), @EOI_lab and @HIRSlab of @VT_Science are establishing the #AlaskaObservatory, to research #permafrost dynamics in face of #climatechange, #flooding hazards and #infrastructure vulnerabilities in #Alaska. we…
Job Alert! Please help spread the word! I’m looking to recruit one or two Ph.D. students to join my Hydrological Extremes Lab @okstate in Spring 2024 or Fall 2025. See more information below:
Our paper on hydropower vulnerability to drought with environmental impacts has caught the attention of media indicating its importance
Let's not take drought impact lightly! Over the past two decades droughts amounted to approximately $28 billion loss in hydropower generation across the United States, let alone its adverse environmental impact often compensated by reliance on natural gas. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad6200
🚨Our new article in @CommsEarth: Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea are 50% more likely to rapidly intensify during marine heatwaves. Our 73-year analysis reveals increased risks as oceans warm.
w/ @HamedMoftakhari & @HamidMoradkhani
🔗 https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01578-2
Proud to share my first research article of my PhD on Probabilistic Flood Inundation Mapping!. Grateful to @Kjafarza, @HamedMoftakhari and @HamidMoradkhani for their contributions and guidance.
#FloodInundation #Hydrodynamics
Consider submitting your #AGU24 abstracts to our #Ocean #Science session on #Flood prediction and #risk assessment.
Invited speakers: Dr. @HamidMoradkhani and Dr. Katherine Brown.
Submission link in the comments.
@NOAA @theAGU @Hydrology_AGU @AlipourAtieh @argonne @NotreDame
Let's not take drought impact lightly! Over the past two decades droughts amounted to approximately $28 billion loss in hydropower generation across the United States, let alone its adverse environmental impact often compensated by reliance on natural gas. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad6200
‼️Interested in the sources of uncertainty of #compound_flooding? 🤔Check out our publication in @EGU_HESS with @HamedMoftakhari @HamidMoradkhani We tracked the evolution of uncertainty in #extreme water level dynamics🌊linking #hydrodynamic_models and #ML
Another contribution of our team in developing a GAN Deep Learning for Flash Drought Monitoring
🚨 @Sadaf_Mahmoudi's first #PhD paper published in @NatureComms to present #SeaLevelRise rates and high-tide #Flooding thresholds every 10KM along the (ungauged stretches of) U.S. coastlines w/ @davidmunozpauta @HamidMoradkhani and Billy Sweet (@NOAA) https://rdcu.be/dIj7z