Watershed Hydrology (Graduate)

This course is designed to enable the students to learn the fundamental laws of surface water hydrology and how to apply these laws in hydrologic design and analysis. Theory, observation and modeling of physical processes in the land phase of the hydrologic cycle are covered. Processes considered include atmospheric radiation, water balance, surface energy balance, precipitation, infiltration, streamflow generation, evapotranspiration, snow melt. Topics of hydrograph analysis, flow routing, and remote sensing are discussed.

Climate Change, Water Resources and Sustainability (Graduate)

Understanding the notion of climate change from different angles. Discussion on different types of downscaling methods as required for impact assessment. The climate change impacts on various hydrologic and water resources issues are discussed including extreme events, flood, drought, reservoir operation. Invited speakers will present the latest findings related to climate change given their expertise.

Remote Sensing and Modeling (Graduate)

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, active/passive sensors and earth system observations are covered. Radar, Lidar, SAR, geostationary and polar orbiting satellites developed by different space agencies with different applications including measurement of precipitation, vegetation, soil moisture, snow, terrestrial water storages and water bodies are discussed in detail with several lab exercises. The use of remote sensing and data assimilation in improving the hydroclimate simulation/forecasting is covered.

Uncertainty and Risk Analysis in Environmental Systems (Graduate)

The objective of this course is to give students a working knowledge of statistical and probabilistic approaches and implications of risk and reliability analysis in environmental and water resources systems. In this course we will cover the terminology, methodology and statistics to do these. Detailed discussions on parametric and non-parameteric approaches for dealing with uncertainty and risk under nonstationarity will be provided. Attention will be given to the assumptions and limitations of the methods and the appropriate interpretation of random or uncertain data. Variety of methods in intelligent hydrologic and environmental data analysis will be discussed.

Computer Modeling in Water Resources Engineering (Graduate)

This course is designed to introduce students to hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and design using few widely used tools and softwares in water resources engineering practice. The goals of this course are multifold: 1) to develop an understanding of how Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used as a tool to process watershed and spatial hydrologic data sets beneficial in water resources system modeling and design 2) to conduct hydraulic modeling and analysis, water surface profile analysis in artificial and natural channels, and implications in design of hydraulic structures using United States Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center software for River Analysis System. The course is built on several hands on lab exercises and assignments for deeper understanding of the material.

Advanced Methods in Hydrosystems Analysis (Graduate)

Given the various sources of uncertainties in hydrosystems simulation, using stochastic methods to model and analyze such systems is necessary. These methods are often used in the description and analysis of hydrologic/water resources processes and the resulting stochastic models may be used for simulation and forecasting. This course will cover hydrologic modeling and analysis, inverse modeling and emerging stochastic methods in water resources system analysis. We elaborate on how to quantify and reduce the uncertainties in hydrosystems modeling. Students will learn and develop a deep understanding of the methods and tools for hydrologic model building, automatic calibration, ensemble/probabilistic inference, and deterministic and probabilistic model validation. We put special emphasis on state-of-the art data assimilation methods with applications, which have been receiving great attention in research and practice in various earth system science. 

Fluid Mechanics and Lab (Undergraduate)

Properties of fluid; fluid statics; fluid dynamics; control volume and Reynolds transport theorem; conservation of mass, momentum and energy; differential analysis; rotational and irrotational flows, non-viscous and viscous flows, Navier Stokes equations. 3 units Lecture and 1 unit laboratory.

Engineering Hydraulics and Lab (Undergraduate)

Application of the principles of fluid mechanics to flow in closed conduits, turbomachinary and open channels. Topics include flow resistance, laminar and turbulent flow and introduction to boundary layer theory; flow in pressurized closed conduits including pipes in series and parallel; turbomachinary including pump systems and turbines; uniform and non-uniform flow in open channels, gradually and rapid varied flow; dimensional analysis and similitude. 3 units Lecture and 1 unit laboratory